Tile Server

The Tile Server is based on:

Software / Framework Function
Mapnik tile gernator
Python bindings for Mapnik Python bindings for Mapnik
Redis cache for tiles & Mapnik styles
PostGis OHDM Database
Flask Python microservice webserver
openstreetmap-carto OSM styles for Mapnik
NGINX Webserver to use flask in production
Tile Server overview

Tile Server overview

URL Mapping

The Tile Server listen on https://<hostname>/tile/<year>/<month>/<day>/<zoom>/<x_pixel>/<y_pixel>.png

Example for display the World on the 01.01.2019 on the host example.com is https://example.com/tile/2019/01/01/0/0/0.png

Source Code

The source code of the Flask microservice is on tile_server/code/app.py